
Reset Shots: A Game-Changing Weapon in Pickleball

Pickleball reset shots are an important part of the game. Mastering them can give you a major advantage over your opponents. We’ll explore how to perfect your reset shot technique so that you can take full advantage of this powerful move. We’ll discuss why it’s important to have a good reset strategy. We will also break down the mechanics of executing the shot with precision. Finally, we’ll go over some tips for using resets effectively in competitive play. By the end of this post, you should have all the knowledge you need to make your next pickleball match even more successful!

What is a Pickleball Reset Shot?

In pickleball, a reset shot refers to a shot played defensively to regain control of the point and reset the pace of the game. Players typically use a reset shot when the opponent has been attacking aggressively and putting pressure on the defending player or team.

The purpose of a reset shot is to create more time and space for the player or team. This allows them to regain their positioning and control over the point. 

Reset Shot: Drop Shot Into the Kitchen

There are times when you are caught in the transition zone with your opponents hitting aggressive shots at you.  You can try and take control of the situation by hitting a reset shot into the kitchen.

Take note of the following to hit an effective reset shot into the kitchen:


Hold your paddle with a firm but relaxed grip, allowing for control and finesse. You may consider using a continental grip or an eastern backhand grip, whichever feels more comfortable for you.

Angle and trajectory

Visualize where you want to place your shot. The objective is to hit the ball softly and send it over the net with a low trajectory. This causes the ball to drop quickly as it approaches the opponent’s side of the court.

Soft contact

Approach the ball with a gentle touch. Use a short backswing and make contact with the ball just above its center. Try to slightly cut underneath the ball to create backspin. This spin helps control the ball’s trajectory and aids in its drop.


Aim to hit the ball just enough to clear the net and land softly in the opponent’s kitchen. Ideally, you want to place the shot close to the net on your opponent’s side. This makes it difficult for them to return the ball with pace or depth.

Follow-through and recovery

Maintain a smooth follow-through after making contact with the ball. Allow your paddle to continue its path toward the target area. After hitting the shot, be prepared to quickly recover to a ready position in case your opponent returns the ball.  Don’t rush into the net.  Check and see if the ball is going to bounce.  If your opponent can hit the ball out of the air then stay put. Be patient and try another reset shot into the kitchen.

Reset Shot: Defensive Lob

The lob involves hitting a high, arching shot that goes over the opponent’s head and lands deep in their court. This shot allows you to reset the point and gain control.

The key elements of a defensive lob include:


The shot is hit with a high trajectory, typically higher than the net. This gives it enough time to reach the back of the opponent’s court.


The shot should land deep in the opponent’s court, closer to the baseline. This forces them to retreat and prevent them from attacking aggressively.


The shot is hit with control and accuracy to ensure that it lands where intended. This is to avoid giving the opponent an easy opportunity to counterattack.


Pickleball reset shots are a great way to take control of the game, keep your opponents guessing, and score points. With practice and patience you can become an expert at using these shots in any situation. Pickleball reset shots will give you the edge over your competition. Learning how to use reset shots effectively is key for success on the court. Mastering this skill will help make sure that you always have something up your sleeve when playing against skilled players. Have fun practicing these shots!

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